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Schedule Star, Midland, NJ

An Internet-based, High School athletics management software was weary with calls from parents wanting their kids sports schedule in their scheduling software...our solution created an impressive 10,000 uses the first week.

Trying to stay ahead...
Entrepreneur, Adolph Santorine knows the importance of 'staying ahead' of competition. In this age of rapidly advancing technology, that can be quite a challenge in itself. He is always on the look-out for the latest and greatest tools that will give his Online Service, Schedule Star, the edge. A recent press release about Kenner-Price' product Wyncs - Web Export utility, caught his attention, and Adolph knew this was one product that would put him in the lead by miles.

10,000 transfers in one week!
After incorporating Wyncs-Web Export utility into their popular High School Sports schedule software (, Schedule Star immediately saw great results. In one short week, over 10,000 sports schedules were send to parents and teachers Handheld's, Palm Pilot's and Pocket PC's. This surpassed their wildest expectations, now they heavily promote the fact that their 5 million+ sports schedules are instantly ready to be sent to the PDA's of parents across the US. Anyone that uses realizes the great benefit that Wyncs gives.

Try Wyncs on your site...FREE!
Ask about trying Wyncs - Web Export utility on YOUR site by contacting the developers at Kenner-Price & Associates.  

Basketball Schedule           Sync to PDA window

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Read a Press Release:

"New Wyncs Software A Winner For HighSchoolSports.Net"

10,000 Sports Schedules Sent To Handhelds By Way Of Wyncs in Only One Week!

MIDLAND PARK, NJ -- (INTERNET WIRE) -- 09/23/2002 -- Mr. Adolph Santorine, Jr., CEO of the hugely popular HighSchoolSports.Net web site spoke today about the surprisingly effective and quick results experienced after adding the new Wyncs Web-Sync Software to his company's site. " When we put the new Wyncs software onto our web site, it was intended as a convenience for parents, allowing them to quickly and easily add their children's sports schedules directly into Handhelds and PDA's." said Santorine. "What absolutely impressed and astonished us was that more than 10,000 'Wyncs' were sent to visitor's Handhelds in the first week alone."

When the new Wyncs software was first revealed to Mr. Santorine, he saw the potential of this exciting new utility as an adjunct to the already successful system. Realizing that the Wyncs software would enable parents, staff and students to easily sync important data directly into Microsoft Outlook, Palm OS devices, or PDA equipped Cell Phones, Mr. Santorine was enthusiastic about trying it. "I knew this would work, yet had no idea it would reach such heightened proportions so quickly. Visitors are now able to quickly sync sports schedules using the innovative 'grab-and go' concept," said Mr. Santorine, "which can then be viewed at one's convenience. Wyncs makes it easy to 'grab' information, positioning it where one needs it most, in their PDA's or Outlook."

The HighSchoolSports.Net site is a division of a successful publishing company that has been providing scheduling solutions to High School Athletic Directors since 1964. Athletic Directors use our software to dynamically update schedules on HighSchoolSports.Net with just a click of the mouse making HighSchoolSports.Net, an indispensable communication tool for Schools nationwide. Students, parents and the press can quickly and easily log onto HighSchoolSports.Net, getting the latest information on schedules most important to their needs. has over 5 million athletic events online. "Adding Wyncs to our already successful system, made the site even more efficient and useful," said Mr. Santorine.

Jeff Weaver, Marketing Director of Eros Technology, the parent company of Wyncs Software Utility, stated, "We are delighted at the incoming success reports from major corporations and web developers around the world. We knew we had created something special but are now more convinced than ever that this might very well be one of the most efficient uses of technology in recent years. Users of personal organization software and PDA's are thrilled by this type of efficiency."

To learn more about HighSchoolSports.Net please visit
www.HighSchoolSports.Net or call Mr. Santorine at 1-800-822-9433. To find our more about the Wyncs utility, please visit the Wyncs web site at or contact Jeff Weaver, Marketing Director at 1-888-754-0110.

Contact: Mr. Adolph Santorine, Jr.
Company: HighSchoolSports.Net
Title: CEO
Phone: 800-822-9433

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